About SR Asia Bangladesh

Social Responsibility Asia (SR Asia) Bangladesh is the wing of SR ASIA - an International Organization and a professional network resulting from e-learning and trainer led program at ROC Taipei by APO Japan and NPOs of member countries. SR ASIA Strategic partners are APO and NPOs member countries, Government agencies and work partners are International and National organizations, Civil Society Organizations, Academic institutes and Business Support organizations. SR Asia Bangladesh works closely with policy holders and organizations to design socially responsible process in value chain. SR Asia Bangladesh Campaigns for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainable Development.


Latest News

Project on “Towards a comprehensive and human-centered plastic waste management approach in Cox's Bazar and Affected Regions”

SR Asia Bangladesh celebrated "The World Environment Day -2023" on 3rd June 2023

Sumaya Rashid, Country Director of SR Asia Bangladesh cited on plastic waste management

Coca-Cola Foundation partnered with SR Asia Bangladesh to implement project on waste management in Dhaka South & North City Corporation

Ashshash Project, Social Responsibility (SR) Asia pledges solidarity for survivors of human trafficking

SR Asia Bangladesh and ACE have signed off an agreement for implementing Project IMPACT-GE

CSR Survey Report: 2019-2020

A PATHWAY TO MANAGE PRIVATE SECTOR IMPACT on Bangladesh National Priority Indicators (NPIs) & Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Impact Assessment of WEESMS Project

E Newsletter 2020

SR Asia International Dialogue 2020 - "ESG Performance & Reporting" CSR guideline for 32 private healthcare service providers International Analysis on Funding Flow Research Learnings SR Asia Global Certification - 1st Advisory Committee Meeting held on October 09, 2020 COVID 19 Impact Assessment Report of Handloom Industry COVID-19 IMPACT ON READY-MADE GARMENTS MANAGEMENT PROFESSIONALS Challenges of Plastic Industry due to COVID-19 on 21 April 2020 Situational Study on Socio-Economic Status and Possible Impact Due to COVID-19 in RMG Sector in Bangladesh RMG Talk: Socio-Economic Impact on Employees and Workers due to COVID-19 CSR Impact Assessment of the Project Abolombon by BRAC and Singer Bangladesh Sustainability Reporting study aligned with SDGs, GRI, BCtA, Higg Index, A project of SR Asia Bangladesh, GRI, UNDP and BGMEA Workshop on Sustainability Reporting in Bangladesh, organized by GFA, GIZ on 23 February 2020. SR Asia delivered a speech on GREAT (Global Responsibility and Accountability Tool) during the workshop Social Scheme Guideline Development Project Visits SR Asia celebrated its 8th Foundation Day on 12 February 2020, New Delhi, India Launching of GREaT (Global REsponsibility and Accountability Tool) E Newsletter October-December 2019 Project on Develop guideline for designing and allocating budget for social scheme Consultant Hub - Sustainability Reporting, GRI Standards Showcasing Innovative and Sustainable Project Idea, 05 December 2019 Validation Workshop on "Awareness messaging content - Nutrition for RMG sector" Stakeholder Engagement Meeting with Bangladesh Plastic Goods Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BPGMEA) E Newsletter May-September 2019 Glimpse of Launching of the project on Marine litter and microplastic promoting the environmentally sound management of plastic wastes... Launching of Project titled: Marine litter and microplastics: promoting the environmentally sound management of plastic wastes and achieving the... SR Asia Bangladesh Expert Visit to "Integrating a gender perspective in the sound management of chemicals and waste" SR Asia Board of Directors Meeting in Kuala Lumpur SR Asia International Director along with other Country Directors paid courtesy visit to different stakeholders in Singapore and Malaysia SR Asia Bangladesh participation in Bangladesh Fashionology Summit 02 May 2019 E Newsletter January-April 2019 Project "Susatainable Production & Consumption" Outcome Documentary SR Asia Bangladesh as CSR knowledge partner of 9th International Bangladesh Infrastructure and Innovation Expo & Dialogue 2018 SR Asia Bangladesh handed over draft technical paper of CSR platform to the Principal SDG Coordinator, Government of Bangladesh, 12 December 2017
1st organization welcomed SDGs in 2015 in Indonesia in association with SR Asia member countries
Around 30+ promotional activity on SDGs and CSR. Partnering with government, international organizations, BSOs, embassy
Recognized as International Group by Asian Productivity Organization (APO) Japan
10 projects on CSR, Sustainable Development and Productivity Improvement
250+ Youth Volunteers are engaged in different projects and promotional activity

Service Excellence of SR Asia Bangladesh

What Our Stakeholders are saying

  • I extend my warm greetings to SR Asia for successfully bringing together such a broad diversity of key players in all major dimensions of Inclusive Business. I wish SR Asia a great success.

    Professor Gowher Rizvi

    Hon Prime Minister’s International Affairs Advisor
    Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

  • SNV Netherlands Development Organisation in Bangladesh has enjoyed our collaboration with SR Asia since 2016. SNV and SR Asia have worked together on CSR conferences and inclusive business seminars focused on improving the working conditions of garment workers in the RMG sector. SNV appreciates SR Asia’s emphasis on building networks to pool knowledge across the development sectors in Asia. SNV also values SR Asia’s commitment towards sustainable development with impact for vulnerable Bangladeshis. SNV looks forward to our continued collaboration with SR Asia.

    Jason Belanger

    Country Director, Bangladesh
    SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

  • I am very happy to find SR Asia taking key initiatives in holding “Implementation of CSR and SDGs”. I look forward to its best success in forgoing enduring liaisons and meaningful cooperation between diverse actors in diverse fields towards further promotion and deepening of social responsible business ethos and business conduct in Bangladesh

    Akbor Haider Munna

    Youth Group

  1. Professor Gowher Rizvi
  2. Jason Belanger
  3. Akbor Haider Munna